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Accredited Articles

Health Benefits of Sauna Use

Below we have a list of accredited articles, to equip yourself with knowledge and give yourself confidence that regular traditional sauna use is one of the quickest and most effective ways to improve your health.

Blood Pressure- Heart Attack/Strokes

Evidence over the past few decades shows that sauna bathing has an immediate positive effect on blood pressure. Using saunas for 20 minutes 3 times a week could reduce your risk for heart attack or stroke by over 50%. When combined with appropriate exercise and diet this drastically reduces risk associated with heart disease.
UCLA Health - 2023
American Journal of Physiology VOL. 323 No. 3

‘High stress professions’ (tradesmen, firefighters, military, police) are at risk for high blood pressure and stress induced heart attacks/strokes. Regular weekly sauna use has shown to decrease oxidative stress, inflammation and release endorphins to reduce blood pressure. Sauna use also has shown to increase metabolic function which can in turn lower cholesterol leading to lowering your risk of heart attack or stroke.
National Library of Medicine - 2021
Environ Res Public Health - PMC7908414

Reduced Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

In the 21st century we’ve seen a large spike in Alzheimer’s and dementia. While western medicine can’t pinpoint the cause of the increase, a quick observation of what has changed in our diet and environment gives strong evidence why. We are exposed to more heavy metals than ever before! This includes our soil, water, food and everyday household and self care products. Heavy metals are stored in the brain and when our toxin threshold reaches its limit it increases our chance to develop Alzheimer’s and dementia.

In a study observing middle aged Finnish men moderate to high frequency of sauna bathing was associated with lowered risks of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
National Library of Medicine - 2017
Oxford Academic Vol. 46 Issue. 2

Improved Immune Function - Slowed Aging

A compromised immune system has been known to affect less integral things such as skin/hair health as it prioritizes its resources(vitamins/minerals) for its first line of defense(immune system). A healthy white blood cell count and organism profile is integral for other bodily functions downstream not to be affected. This ranges from organ function to something more cosmetic like skin, hair or dental health.

Although exercise is integral in conjunction with regular sauna bathing to maximize benefits. Research has found in athletes regular sauna bathing will significantly increased your WBC count and health of the organism. Sauna bathing is recommended for enhancing immunology defense.
National Library of Medicine - 2013
Article PMC3916915